
  • ‘Working and living in The Netherlands’

    This training helps expats integrate smoothly in the Dutch culture and labour market.

    Are you or is on of your employees preparing for his or her international assignment in The Netherlands? This can be both exciting and challenging. With this training you or your employee (and his / her family) will be well-prepared for this next big step.

    This tailor-made training will make your relocation less stresfull and gives you the right tools and skills to be succesful in The Netherlands. Both on a social and professional level.

    We create a communication profile of you(r employee) based on the Culture Map model of Erin Meyer. With this profile you as an expat are well prepared to work together with Dutch colleagues and managers.

    Interested to learn more? Please click the button below.

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  • Based on the theories of Erin Meyer, author of The Culture Map, I can help you or your multicultural team be succesful.

    The Culture Map guides you through the subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain, in which people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together, often without even leaving their desks.

    A better awareness of each others cultures and associated characteristics improve mutual cooperation and ultimately ensures that your organization progresses faster.

    This training helps you understand your international team or clients or helps your team work together without misunderstanding.